بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
(Deuteronomy 18:18) I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.
Today in shaa allah we will talk about this prophcy
Their brethren
here god said to moses that he will raise up a prophet from their brethren But how this prophesied prophet muhammad ?
issac and ismael
God here was talking about the israelites as a union and said that he will raise up a prophet brother to this union but how prophet
muhammad is brother to them ?
All of us knows that israelites from issac and prophet muhammad is from ismael so because issac is brother to ismael then israelites are brother of prophet muhammad so he is from their brethren
Like unto thee
Alot says that this prophcy is for jesus but i will explain that its for prophet muhammad not for jesus
Who is like moses , jesus or Muhammad pbut
Muhammad born naturly with father and mother like moses but jesus didn't
Muhammad married like moses but jesus didn't
Muhammad had childreen like moses but jesus didn't
Muhammad come with new laws like moses but jesus didn't
Muhammad was accepted by his people like moses but jesus didn't
Muhammad's kingdome is on earth and heavens like moses but
jesus didn't he said that his kingdome is in heavens
Muhammad died like moses but jesus is know alive
So prophet muhammad is like moses but jesus isn't
So this prophcy is exactly for Prophet Muhamamd pbuh
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